Cryptocurrencies have become the digital currency of the future. However, being a digital asset, cryptocurrency owners and companies struggle to insure it.
DiHives offers a groundbreaking solution in the InsurTech and fintech ecosystems.
By converting the digital into physical and providing a tangible form of virtual currency, DiHives has allowed for a secure insurance of cryptocurrency. The tangible cards are safely stored in vaults spread across the globe. In turn, creating an insurable object for holders of virtual currency.
Approachable and Presentable
The branding identity that was chosen for DiHives sought to present that of an approachable, presentable and even revolutionary solution. It strives to simplify and offer its users a transparent and reliable experience.
The design and user experience of the dashboard, the ultimate control panel for the complex virtual process, required incorporating these considerations as well as corresponding with the existing color palette identified with the field of cryptocurrency. The design and logo combine the concept of different card holders, all forming a secure vault-like shape. Thus, depicting the brand’s essence and core values.
Investing in Tomorrow
Such a substantial and cutting-edge solution requires a clear slideshow to recruit and explain the concept to potential investors.
Furthermore, accuracy, numbers and thorough research are extremely important when launching new products in the field of digital asset insurance.
That is why, we, at Order Art, chose to create a rich informative presentation. The concept and process are explained through multiple infographics, data and supporting facts – all to create a visually appealing presentation that sets investors into motion and puts the DiHives brand out there in the best possible way.